Hackesche Höfe Kino

Address: Rosenthaler Str. 40 -41, 10178 Berlin
Nearest Station: Weinmeister (U8) / Hachesche Markt (S)
Opening Times:  First film showing is around 2pm, last showing is around 10pm
Phone: +49 030-283 46 03
Website: http://www.hoefekino.de/
Cost: Monday €9,90 & Tuesday - Thursday €10,90 (except on holidays where its full price) , Friday - Sunday €12.00, for longer films there are additional costs
Type: Cinema, Café
Notes: A small theater located on the top floor of one of the buildings in Hackesche Höfe, that shows a good range of Independent films in German, English and other languages.  There are also blockbuster films shown at times.  There is always a good selection of films in English with German subtitles.